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Monday, September 20, 2010

Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Apps Demonstrated: Launch Encourages the Developers!

The Windows Phone 7 seems to gathering more and more momentum as the launch date nears. Microsoft has just announced that developer tools  have been finalized and also demonstrated some apps that will be there at the time of launch. These include Twitter, Netflix, Flixster, OpenTable and Travelocity apps for Windows Phone 7.

No big changes from the beta version have been announced bar a new Bing Maps Control SDK. This will give developers a great opportunity to work on map related code.
Getting back to the official announcement of the Windows Phone 7 dev tools launch, Microsoft encouraged developers to take advantage of the phone’s app platform and create ‘beautiful Windows Phone 7 apps’. This will help developers stick project deadlines and submit apps and games in time for the official launch of the new phone OS

windows phone 7 apps Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Apps Demonstrated: Launch Encourages the Developers!    

What’s new With Windows Phone 7

There are also new features such as an update emulator based on RTM Windows Phone coding and panorama and pivot controls. The new apps will be available in the holiday season.

Microsoft hopes that the new Bing Maps and Microsoft Advertising resources will help developers earn more profit from their presence on the Windows Phone 7 platform and will also improve user experience.

The new Mobile Advertising SDK for Windows Phone 7 is the first real time, bidded-for mobile ad exchange. Developers will find it easy to generate revenue from their ads as the entire process of including ads in an application
has been simplified. Moreover, creating a network to bid on mobile inventory is also a lot simpler now.

It is commendable that Microsoft has identified the need to focus on developers as far as possible. The success of their new mobile OS
, to a large extent will depend on the number of apps (and exclusive ones) available at and after launch. After all, this is where iOS and Android are scoring big!


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